We usually associate summer with oily skin, but some people actually have dry skin in the summer! Are you one of those people? Keep reading to learn what causes dry skin in summer, and how to fix it.

Causes of Dry Skin in Summer

Whether you develop dry skin in the summer depends somewhat on your skin type. If you already have dry skin, you’re much more likely to develop extra dry skin in the summer. Why? Well, we tend to spend more time outside during the warmer months, and all that exposure to sun, chlorine, and high temperatures can leave your skin more dry than usual. Plus, hot summer days can leave us dehydrated, which can also cause skin to look and feel dry.

How to Treat Very Dry Skin in Summer

Luckily it’s pretty easy to moisturize dry skin in summer. Keep reading for our favorite hot weather skin care tips!

1. Use a Multi-Tasking Moisturizer

Using a moisturizer formulated with SPF is a two-pronged approach to fighting dry skin in summer. Our WW Day SPF 40 protects against aging UV rays while moisturizing skin with intense, all day hydration. Plus, its velvety smooth texture is the perfect base for makeup application.

2. How to Treat Very Dry Skin in Summer

If your foundation isn’t offering your skin any hydration, consider switching to a BB cream instead. So, what is BB cream? BB cream is a foundation, moisturizer, and sunscreen all in one convenient package! While you apply it like a foundation, it works like a moisturizer to hydrate skin all day long. Try our Perfect BB SPF 40 formulation to experience sheer coverage with silky smooth hydration.

3. Moisturize at Night

Replenish moisture lost throughout the day with a heavy-duty hydrator at night. Our pick for dry summer skin? Perfect Cream, which powerfully hydrates the skin while providing other beautifying benefits like lifting, toning, and firming. Just apply to skin after cleansing and toning.

For an extra boost of moisture, you can also use this product as part of your AM beauty routine. Just make sure to apply sunscreen afterwards.